WhatsApp has warned that its users should ensure that two-factor authentication is set up on their account and never to share their six-digit pin code with others. If you receive a message like this don't be tempted to transfer money immediately, enquire further by asking who specifically it is by name and by calling them or asking for a voice note. The bank details they give will probably not match those of your loved one and it's likely the scammer will tell you it's because they can't access their bank account. The fraudsters will mostly go on to ask you for money by pointing out an imaginary difficult financial situation they’re in and playing on the close relationship you have to the person they’re impersonating. The message will typically start with saying the sender has lost their phone, it's damaged or they can't access it. I need to talk its urgent can you text me on WhatsApp on my new number please." This came from 07726760652.Īnother example came from 07593295452 and read: "Hi mum I’m texting you off a friends phone I’ve smashed mine and their phones about to die, can you WhatsApp my new number please." One version of the scam reads: "Hello mum, I’ve broken my phone and I’m using a friends old one. So far, there have been two examples of the scam moving over to text messages, from WhatsApp. There have also been cases where fraudsters managed to access chat history and continued ongoing conversations to appear more convincing. Which? first became aware of this scam at the end of 2021 when a victim told them that a fraudster impersonating his sister had a convincing conversation with her which led to her transferring money for 'car repairs'. Read More: The latest scams being used by fraudsters to con people out of their cash or personal details What to look out for As a result they issued advice on what the scams look like as well as how to avoid and report them, reports the Liverpool Echo. Which? reported that earlier this year Action Fraud warned it had received 1,235 reports of criminals posing as loved ones in need on WhatsApp between February 3 and June 21, amounting to a total financial loss of £1.5m. The fraudsters target parents by pretending to be their children and asking them to send money to help them out in emergencies.
The scam originally started doing the rounds on WhatsApp but now it has been spotted on a number of text messages too, according to Which? consumer experts. Parents are being warned about 'hi mum' scam messages which are increasingly being used by fraudsters to con people out of money.