Gta lui calibre
Gta lui calibre

VanossGaming, I AM WILDCAT, BasicallyIDoWrk, H2ODelirious, Daithi De Nogla, Mini Ladd, Moo Snuckel, Mr. Lui Calibre has played or been associated with the following channels and people: Lui was born in San Diego, California, July 4 1984. What is unknown is if he has a secondary job. He is a leader of the "Squeaker Squad" and is known for playing Grand Theft Auto V and his voice imitating a little child (or A.K.A: a "Squeaker" as referred to by the gaming community). He started his YouTube channel in 2009 and currently posts videos once or twice a week depending on his schedule. He currently has 3M+ subscribers, and 301M+ views on his YouTube Channel. Lui Calibre is a 31-year-old YouTuber based in San Diego, CA.

gta lui calibre

(Left) Lui and (Right) Nogla in the san diego zoo. Lui Calibre is apart of the Vanoss Crew and is the one who makes the squeaker voice.

Gta lui calibre